torsdag 16 maj 2013

Things are happening.

For the moment I have had a lot at home and have not had the time to scrap as much as I want to. *sadface* The little I have done, I have not photographed yet. Sorry.

I am a proud subscriber of Studio Calico kit. and I must say I really like the kits so far! yay. There is something special about them I tell you! :) I used some of the kits to my Project life but I got no photo pockets så they are only in the storage stage so far waiting for the photopockets to arrive. Got cellphone pictures not the best quality.. but.. they show Week  12 and 14 this year so....

These weeks are as simple as they could get! Probably why I like them. *wink*
Almost no embellishments at all. Most of the jornaling cards are freebies that I got from internet, some are from Studio Calico Project life and scrapbooking kit. Also got a little Sn@p papers.

I also ordered a lot of Becky Higgins - Project life products recently, a swedish store is taking it home to Sweden and make it easy for us to get the stuff. although we had to wait for several months and are still waiting, but they should arrive in two weeks or so. *hoping*
I ordered the Honey and Blush Edition core kit. Yep I got two core kits. Nuts? yeah maybe a little. I am going to share some with my daughter (and some friends), got a pink mini album (honey edition) for her. Among other things.

I will take better photos of my Project life album I promise. And show them here in this blog.

Remeber I ordered Photo freedom? well those are done, the first weeks in my album. My daughter looked in them and liked the idea. So there for is she going to get one mini album for her self. :) here is a  peak sneek.

I love her to bits and pieces. And the album to ;) lol.

XoXo Mela